A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


KuronoMousoutoNijinoYoku-1.0-market.zip 63 MB

Install instructions

"The moon might have been waning, in the middle of this surreal night. The mountain fended the world and the wind. It stood strongly, as it had from its creation some frantic ancient day. Any other mount, hill or canyon was the same: the work of titanic forces at play, the tectonic plates crackling at solar levels of warmth, magma and all. Far felt all this activity, and for men those were time immemorial. But for the few whom were around at the birth of life on Earth, it may as well have felt like yesterday. The wisest of humans called this epoch the Hadean eon, but had they lived through it they would have called it Hell."

"Lurking in the shadow of the night, Kuro hid. He hid from another eternal existence, that might as well be described as its antagonist. Quite the polarity opposed them, both in essence and in mentality. For Kuro was Darkness itself, unending. Why would one whose life nor freedom could ever possibly be threatened flee? Because of love, desire, passion, lust, and all and any of the mental composites, chaotic shrapnels of those states of the soul..."

"Niji, one whose entirety beamed of all colors and their chromatic intervals and interferences. Both material and immaterial at will, he stood on the acclivities of the mountain, painfully climbing, his strides without a single trace of wavering or hesitation. His entire body emitted light, helping him find his way on the rocky path. Even Niji's personality could shine. He was one of unparalleled eccentricity, and of burning desire. His whole self had always been so, set as if a spinning clock, whose hand would always in the end point towards an outcome of his fashion."

(Just a small pilot project to submit something for the Rainbow Jam 2021. The music, scenario and coding was done by me. The background is the Mount Fuji in Japan, a picture from Pxfuel. The sprites were taken from free assets found on Itch.io and drawn by GoingGoingKeith.)


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Lovely atmosphere, but I almost missed the menu buttons completely! They need more contrast against Niji's character art

Also the text at the bottom unfortunately sometimes overlaps with the option Ren'Py buttons down there

Nice little pilot story though! Great work

Because I learned about the Rainbow Jam a bit late on the Discord of the Yuri Game Jam, I lacked the time to get to know in depth the GUI of Ren'Py. I had in mind to produce a VN with a vertical interface, like Planetarian, but Ren'Py is optimized for a computer 16/9 ratio... Thanks for the pilot and atmosphere review.